NDC hosted a 2-day training workshop focusing on the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) and GAD Planning & Budgeting (GPB)

The National Development Company (NDC) hosted a 2-day training workshop last July 3-4, 2024, at Somerset Makati, focusing on the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) and GAD Planning & Budgeting (GPB). This workshop aimed to deepen understanding of the HGDG, evaluate key programs, and align GAD Planning and Budgeting for inclusive growth.

These efforts underscore NDC's commitment as the Philippines' leading state-owned enterprise to prioritize gender balance and equal opportunities across all sectors. By implementing these guidelines and integrating GAD Planning and Budgeting, NDC aims to foster a workplace and operational environment that empowers women and promotes diversity, ultimately contributing to sustainable development goals nationwide.

Having a more inclusive workplace and environment falls under the vision for a Bagong Pilipinas - an "all-inclusive plan towards social and economic transformation in all sectors of society and government".
